Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Some Truth abt Guys

Some Truth abt Guys!!!

(Gals must see)

Just for ur pleasure, I’ve put this post up. In my humble opinion, I think that most of the things written in this post are true.

I dont take credit for this, just an interesting email forward. leave ur comments

1. Guys hate sluts.

2. “Hey, are you busy?” or “Are you doing something?” ~ two phrases guys open with to stop from stammering on the phone.

3. Guys may be flirting around all day but before they go to sleep, they always think about the girl they truly care about.

4. Before they call, guys try to plan out a little about what they’re gonna say so there aren’t awkward pauses, but once he’s on the phone he forgets it all and makes it up as he goes.

5. Guys go crazy over a girl’s smile.

6. Guys will do anything just to get you to notice him.

7. Guys hate it when you talk about your ex-boyfriend or ex love-interest. Unless they are going for the “let her complain to you and then have her realize how wonderful and nice you are” method.

8. A guy who likes you wants to be the only guy you talk to.

9. Boyfriends need to be reassured often that they’re still loved.

10. Don’t talk about your guy friends to your boyfriend.

11. Guys get jealous easily.

12. Guys are more emotional than they’d like people to think.

13. Giving a guy a hanging message like “You know what?!..uh…never mind..” would make him jump to a conclusion that is far from what you are thinking. And he’ll assume he did something wrong and he’ll obsess about it trying to figure it out.

14. Guys are good flatterers when courting but they usually stammer when they talk to a girl they really like.

15. Guys hate asking parents for money to buy girls presents. So they come up with ideas like saving their lunch money for a week. But it never works because guys are always hungry so they end up asking the parents for money anyway.

16. Girls are guys’ weaknesses.

17. Guys are very open about themselves.

18. It’s good to test a guy first before you trust him. But don’t let him wait too long.

19. Your best friend, whom your boyfriend seeks help from about his problems with you may end up being admired by your boyfriend.

20. If a guy tells you about his problems, he just needs someone to listen to him. You don’t need to give advice.

21. A usual act that proves that the guy likes you is when he teases you.

22. Guys love you more than you love them if they are serious in your relationships.

23. Guys will brag about anything.

24. Guys use words like hot or cute to describe girls. We rarely use beautiful. If a guy uses that, he likes you.

25. Guys think WAY too much. One small thing a girl does, even if she doesn’t notice it can make the guy think about it for hours, trying to figure out what it meant.

26. Guys seek for advice from girls not other guys. Because most guys think alike, so if one guy’s confused, then we’re all confused.

27. Any guy could write out a rulebook or advice book for flirting, but no guy can write out a book about relationships.

28. Try to be as straightforward as possible.

29. A guy has to experience rejection, because if he’s too-good-never-been-busted, never been in love and hurt, he won’t be mature and grown up.

30. If the guy does something stupid in front of the girl, he will think about it for the next couple days or until the next time he spends time with the girl.

31. No matter how much guys talk about asses and boobs, personality is key.

32. Guys learn from experience not from the romance books that girls read and take as their basis of experience.

33. Guys worry about the thin line between being compassionate and being whipped.

34. If a guy looks unusually calm and laid back, he’s probably faking it and is spazzing inside.

35. When a guy says he is going crazy about the girl, he really is. Guys rarely say that.

36. When a guy asks you to leave him alone, he’s just actually saying, “Please come and listen to me.”

37. Guys don’t really have final decisions.

38. If a guy starts to talk seriously, listen to him. It doesn’t happen that often, so when it does, you know somethings up.

39. If your best guy friend seems to avoid you or is never around when you’re with your boyfriend, he’s probably jealous and likes you.

40. When a guy looks at you for longer than a second, he’s definitely thinking something.

41. Guys like femininity not feebleness.

42. Guys don’t like girls who punch harder than they do.

43. A guy has more problems than you can see with your naked eyes.

44. Don’t be a snob. Guys can be intimidated and give up easily.

45. Everything in moderation. Put on makeup, wear perfume. Just not too much.

46. Guys talk about girls more than girls talk about guys.

47. Guys hate rejection, but they hate being led on even more.

48. Guys really think that girls are strange and have unpredictable decisions and are MAD confusing but somehow are drawn even more to them.

49. A guy would give his left nut to be able to read a girl’s mind for a day.

50. No guy can handle all his problems by his own. He’s just too stubborn to admit it

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Dreams or Reality

Dreams or Reality



   The dictionary meaning of word dream is a series of images, ideas, emotions, and sensations occurring involuntarily in the mind during certain stages of sleep. And that of reality is the quality or state of being actual or true. The two are poles apart but what if we make the north one south and south one north. What if the dream which we see is real and the reality we live in is a dream. After reading this line, half of people would have perceived me as insane but this is the greatest doubt I have ever since I have grown old.


We perceive dream as dream as reality as reality because we have been told so since times immemorial but same was the case when it was considered that earth is flat. But now everyone knows that earth is round and earth being flat was complete no no. well moving on to my topic, dreams or reality (or rather I shall say are dreams reality?)…people think that dreams are not real as once the person opens his/her eyes ..Whatever images he has been seeing vanishes in a second but then how can reality be real? As soon as we close our eyes the images of the world also vanish. If I put it in simple words we can’t see stars in day time when sun is shining its brightest but that doesn’t mean that stars are not there in the sky…stars are always there and sometimes these stars are bigger and brighter than sun. Whenever we are dreaming we are away and totally disconnected from the reality and in that dream we become so much engrossed that we become unable to distinguish between the dream and reality. And same is the case when we are wide awake and totally disconnected from the dream world. The poles seem to be away from each other and never coincide or overlap each other. And hence it renders us helpless to ever think that which world is real?


When we are into a nightmare, we get so frightened that sometimes we even scream or fall from our bed. When something frightens us in real world then too we scream so where is that thin line which says that no what u saw was a dream and this is reality. It can also be that the world which we are living in is a dream which we are watching and the one which we are dreaming is real. Who knows?


There are things such as black magick in which one can harm without any physical contact and this seems almost impossible that how a person can harm without doing anything but still it is there. Black magic is prevalent and everyone in his or her life has somehow and somewhere accepted that black magick happens for sure. There are people who experience deva-ju. That’s also real. There is tarot, nature, Psychics and everything which has no scientific reason but is true. Think upon the question I have raised and I m sure that somewhere within you there will be a starting question.


Through this blog I wish to put forward my point that the dream world can be real and the real world in which we are living can be a dream.

Wednesday, July 4, 2007


1. If the there’s a parivartana between either the 2nd and 5th lords or the
2nd and 11th lords, the native earns a lot. This is also true for the
placement of the 5th and 9th lords in their own houses
2. If the lords of 2nd and 11th are associated with lords of the 5th and 9th,
dhana yoga results.
3. If the said planets (2nd and 11th)are associated with lords other than
the 5th and 9th, no dhana yoga results; however, the native does enjoy
moderate wealth
4. There’ll be loss of wealth if the 12th lord associates with the 2nd and
11th lords
5. It’s always fortunate for Jupiter to associate with the 2nd lord and
6. If the 1st, 2nd and 11th lords are in their own houses, a dhana yoga is
7. If the 2nd and 11th lords are in the lagna, a powerful dhana yoga results
8. If the different karakas are present in their respective bhavas, such
bhavas lose their vitality and give rise to very little of their indications
9. For Capricornians, if Moon is alone in Aquarius, the native regains lost
Poverty yogas
1. If the lagna lord is in 8th, together with lords of 4th and 9th, there’s sure
to be lifelong poverty
2. If there’s a parivartana between the 2nd and 12th lords, poverty is
3. If the 2nd lord is in 12th, the 12th lord in lagna and aspected by a
malefic, poverty is indicated
Education yogas
1. Venus or Mercury in 4th makes the native proficient in music and
astrology respectively
2. If Rahu conjoins either Sun or Mercury in 5th, the native becomes an
expert in astrology and dealing with poisons
3. A Sun-Mercury combination in 2nd makes one a good astrologer. If this
combination is aspected by Saturn, the native becomes a
4. Sun and Mars in 2nd makes one a logician. Saturn, Mercury and Sun in
5th makes the native an expert in philosophy
5. A Sun-Mercury combine in either a quadrant, trine or 11th makes one a
mathematician. Venus in 2nd makes one a poet
6. Rahu in 4th confers long life to the mother. If in 5th, the native
becomes an expert in understanding inner meanings of things
7. Jupiter in 2nd, especially when that happens to be either Sagittarius,
Pisces or Cancer, makes one an expert in the Vedas
8. It’s fortunate to have Jupiter and the 2nd lord associated in a quadrant
or trine
9. The presence of Moon and Mars in 2nd makes one a priest
10. Saturn in the 2nd makes one vindictive and a fool
Tastes and speech
1. If Saturn is in or aspects the 3rd, or associated with the lord of the 3rd,
the native would be inclined to sour and pungent flavors
2. If Mars is in or aspects the 3rd, or associated with the lord of the 3rd,
the native would be inclined to hot food
3. If Jupiter is in or aspects the 3rd, or associated with the lord of the 3rd,
the native would like sattvik food
4. Venus in 2nd would make one loose in morals
5. Ketu or Jupiter in 2nd would make one a clever speaker. If there’s
Saturn, he’s liable to speak rudely
6. Moon in the 2nd would make the native talkative. If Sun and Mars are in
2nd, the person speaks harshly
7. If Mercury is in 2nd, he’ll speak cleverly and skillfully. If Rahu is
present, he’ll speak with humility
8. If Venus is in 2nd, the native would like milk and sweets. Rahu or Ketu
in 2nd makes one adaptable
9. If Saturn is in 2nd, the food eaten by the native gets polluted by sudras


1. A Sun-Moon combination confers rajayoga
2. Venus is a maraka
3. Jupiter becomes a maraka if he occupies Capricorn
4. A Jupiter-Saturn association doesn’t confer a rajayoga
5. An Aries native will have fear of diseases (especially smallpox),
weapons and injuries
6. If Mars conjoins Mercury, death by brain disease occurs in his dasa and
7. This is the only lagna where it’s great if the 2nd lord is in the 12th; this
isn’t the case with any other lagnas
8. A Mars-Venus combination can be both favorable and fatal
9. Mars, when conjoined with Jupiter and Venus in Taurus, becomes a
10. If the above combination occurs in Gemini, there isn’t any yoga
11. If Mars conjoins Jupiter in Cancer, he becomes a yogakaraka
12. Mars will prove a benefic during his dasa if he’s in Leo
13. Jupiter in Aquarius won’t automatically give good results in his dasa
14. A Mercury-Mars combination in Virgo gives the native skin diseases,
eruptions and wounds
15. The native will possess self-earned wealth if Mars and Venus are in
16. Mars, if in conjunction with Sun and Venus in Scorpio, will confer some
17. There’s a special yoga produced when Mars, Sun and Jupiter are in
Sagittarius, with Venus and Saturn in Libra
18. Venus confers a rajayoga if he’s in lagna with the Sun and unaspected
by Jupiter
19. Sun will become a yogakaraka when aspected by Jupiter; the same
can’t be said for Venus when she’s aspected by Jupiter
20. A Sun-Mercury-Venus combination in Aquarius is a fortunate
combination, with all three conferring riches during their dasas and
21. When Sun is in lagna and Moon in Cancer, the native enjoys a rajayoga
22. A Sun-Jupiter-Venus combination in Capricorn helps the native enjoy
dips in holy rivers like the Ganga
1. Neither is Saturn a yogakaraka, nor do Sun and Mercury confer any
fortunes if they’re in lagna
2. If there’s a Mars-Jupiter combination in Capricorn or Rahu is in
Aquarius, the native enjoy dips in holy rivers like the Ganga
3. Moon is capable of producing a yoga when posited in Leo and aspected
by either Jupiter or Mercury
4. Mars, when in 7th, is a benefic. If Sun and Jupiter are conjoined in
Pisces, long life is indicated
5. A Jupiter-Mercury association causes dhana yoga
6. The above dhana yoga is destroyed if either planet is aspected by Mars
7. There will be debts during Mercury’s dasa if there’s an association
between Mars, Jupiter and Mercury
8. Jupiter’s dasa will give mixed results whereas Mars’ dasa gives wealth.
If Mercury is in a quadrant, the native is blessed with happiness during
its dasa
9. If Mercury and Venus are in lagna and Jupiter is in Scorpio, Mercury
dasa will be fortunate
10. If Mars and Venus are in lagna, and Jupiter is in Capricorn, both
Mercury’s and Jupiter’s dasas will be fortunate
11. If Saturn, Mercury and Mars are in Capricorn, and Rahu in Pisces, the
native enjoy dips in holy rivers like the Ganga during the dasas of Mars
and Rahu
12. If Moon and Venus are in Libra, with Jupiter and Mercury in Pisces,
Jupiter dasa will cause a dhana yoga
13. Lots of wealth are indicated in the Venus dasa
14. Moon in lagna isn’t very auspicious, and will afflict other dhana yogas
present in the chart
15. The native becomes very fortunate if Moon is in the lagna of any sign
other than Taurus
1. The placement of Sun and Mercury in Leo proves fortunate in Mercury’s
2. A Venus-Moon-Mars conjunction in Cancer results in wealth during the
Venus dasa
3. There will be mixed results during Saturn dasa if Mars is in Cancer,
with Moon and Saturn in Capricorn
4. With the above planetary placement, Mars confers wealth during his
5. If Mars and Saturn are in Cancer and Moon in Capricorn, the native’s
prosperity and wealth get mostly destroyed during the dasas of Mars
and Saturn
6. Despite being the lord of 2nd, Moon isn’t a maraka
7. When Saturn is in Aquarius and there’s a Mars-Moon conjunction in
Aries, a powerful dhana yoga results
8. If Saturn and Jupiter are in Aquarius, the native enjoy dips in holy
rivers like the Ganga during the dasas of Jupiter and Saturn
9. When Mercury is in Aries, misunderstandings with elder brother are
1. While Mercury proves fruitful, Jupiter doesn’t cause any yoga
2. Mars is a yogakaraka, and even more so if posited in either of his own
3. Venus can also be a benefic, but only if he’s posited either in Leo or
4. If Mars, Jupiter and Moon are in Leo, with Sun and Venus in Scorpio,
the native will become wealthy and fortunate
5. If Mercury and Venus are in Scorpio, Mercury confers fortune during its
6. If Mercury, Venus and Moon are in Gemini, Jupiter in Cancer and Sun in
Aries, the result is a maha rajayoga and will definitely make the native
a king
7. If Sun and Mars are in Aries, the native will always be wealthy. Death
results during the Jupiter dasa
8. If Mercury and Venus are in Gemini, Venus dasa will prove fortunate
9. A Jupiter-Moon conjunction in lagna will make the native famous and
10. When Moon is in lagna, rajayogas are produced when either Mars is in
Capricorn, Saturn is in Libra, or Sun is in Aries
11. When there’s a combination of Sun and Mercury in lagna, Venus in
Libra, and Moon-Mars-Jupiter in Taurus, the native becomes bankrupt
during the Sun dasa, while other dasas will be good
12. If Mercury and Jupiter are in Taurus, and Saturn and Rahu are in
Scorpio, the native enjoy dips in holy rivers like the Ganga during the
Rahu dasa
1. Sun-Mercury-Mars or Sun-Jupiter-Mercury conjunctions indicate wealth,
whereas only a Sun-Mercury combination indicates moderate fortunes
2. A Jupiter-Venus combine causes destruction of other yogas
3. Venus can’t produce a yoga. However, he becomes a benefic when in
Libra but a malefic when in Taurus
4. If there’s a Sun-Mercury-Mars conjunction in lagna, the Mercury dasa
brings in much wealth
5. The Saturn dasa will be fortunate if there’s a Saturn-Mars combination
in Cancer
1. A Sun-Moon-Venus association will bring in lots of wealth during the
Sun dasa
2. The native loses wealth during the Venus dasa. Mixed results can be
expected during the Moon dasa
3. When Moon and Venus are in Pisces, with Jupiter in Cancer and Sun in
Aries, during the Jupiter and Venus dasas, the native will have multiple
wives, who will all be alive. Virgo natives possess women of high rank
4. A Jupiter-Venus combine in Sagittarius produces fortunes during their
dasas and bhuktis
5. If Saturn is in Cancer, its dasa will be fruitful
1. Saturn is a yogakaraka. Though lord of 3rd and 6th, Jupiter is also
capable of producing yogas
2. Mars doesn’t become a maraca, although it lords the 2nd and 7th houses
3. If Jupiter and Venus are associated or are aspected by Saturn and
Mars, during the Jupiter or Venus dasas and bhuktis, the native suffers
from skin infections and wounds
4. If Sun and Mercury are in Virgo and aspected by Saturn, the father will
be fortunate
5. If Mars is in association with Sun, Saturn and Mercury, it produces
immense good
6. If Sun, Mercury and Saturn are combined with either Moon or Mars, a
rajayoga is produced
7. If there’s a Sun-Venus-Mercury combination in lagna, the native gets
very fortunate and wealthy
8. If in lagna there are Mercury, Saturn and Venus, or the Moon and Mars
in Aries, the Mercury dasa will prove fruitful
9. The presence of Mars and Mercury in Leo, Jupiter in Taurus and Saturn
in Gemini creates a rajayoga
10. If Moon is in lagna with Jupiter either in Virgo or Pisces, the Saturn
dasa brings in wealth and fortune
11. Venus becomes a maraca if he’s in the ascendant
12. If the Saturn is in lagna and Moon in Cancer, a rajayoga results
13. If Saturn, Jupiter, Mercury and Mars are in Aquarius, and Rahu is in
Cancer, the native enjoy dips in holy rivers like the Ganga during the
Rahu dasa
1. An association of Jupiter and Mercury brings in wealth
2. If Jupiter is in Capricorn, the native will be charitable
3. If Sun, Mercury and Venus are in Taurus, the Mercury dasa confers lots
of fame and power
4. When Jupiter and Mercury are in Pisces with Moon in Virgo, the native
will be fortunate
5. If there’s a Jupiter-Moon-Ketu combine in Cancer, the Ketu dasa will
be ordinary but the Jupiter dasa excellent
1. Saturn, when in Aries, confers prosperity during its dasa
2. This is the only ascendant for which Saturn in 11th confers a yoga
3. If Sun and Venus are in Leo with Saturn in Aquarius, the Saturn dasa
will bring in wealth
1. If Mercury is in Leo with Jupiter in lagna and aspected by Venus, long
life is conferred, but with poverty
2. Venus in in Taurus is good; if in Libra, though, he may not prove so
3. If Venus and Mercury are in lagna with Moon in Taurus aspected by
Jupiter, the native is certain to become an emperor. This is called a
maharaja yoga
4. If Jupiter is in lagna with Venus and Mars in Scorpio, brothers will give
the native riches during the Jupiter dasa
5. When Sun, Moon and Mercury are in lagna, with Mars and Venus in
Sagittarius, the native will be replete with wealth
6. A Saturn-Mercury combination in Virgo confers fortune. Rahu becomes
a yogakaraka if he’s with Jupiter in Sagittarius
7. The presence of Moon in Cancer and Mars in lagna causes a rajayoga
1. For both Aquarius and Leo ascendant natives, the mere association of
the 9th and 10th lords doesn’t confer any rajayoga
2. If Venus and Rahu are in lagna with Sun in Scorpio, yoga will be caused
in the dasas of Rahu and Jupiter
3. If Sun and Mars are in Virgo, the native suffers during their dasas. The
Mercury dasa will be better
4. Jupiter in lagna with Saturn in Pisces will see mixed results during the
Jupiter dasa and an ordinary time during the Saturn dasa
5. If Saturn and Venus are in Sagittarius, the Venus dasa proves fortunate
6. A Sun-Mercury-Jupiter combine in Aries is good, especially during the
Sun dasa when the native enjoys power
1. While Venus in 12th produces benefic results for all other ascendants,
this isn’t the case for either Pisces or Aquarius
2. Saturn in Aquarius is good. However, if Moon is in Aquarius, the native
suffers poverty (though there’s an alleviation of this in Jupiter dasa,
Moon bhukti)
3. Jupiter in Cancer will bestow more daughters than sons
4. If Moon is in Aries and Mars in Cancer, Moon’s dasa brings wealth
5. If Moon and Mars are in Capricorn, Jupiter in Leo, Venus in Libra and
Saturn in Scorpio, the native will be highly fortunate
6. A Moon-Mercury-Mars combine in Capricorn is an indicator of wealth
and conveyances
7. If Saturn and Moon are in lagna, Mars in Capricorn and Venus in Leo,
predict fortune for the native
8. If Mercury, Jupiter, Moon and Mars are in lagna, the dasas of these
planets bring in immense fame, power and prosperity
9. Jupiter posited in Sagittarius certainly causes a rajayoga
10. If Moon is in Taurus, Sun in Leo, Mercury in Virgo, Venus in Libra,
Jupiter in Sagittarius, Saturn in Aquarius and Mars in Capricorn,
there’ll be much fortune to the native. Even if one or two of these
combinations are absent, there’ll still the full effects of a rajayoga

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Wo jo ki door door se hamein jalaate rahe..Unhi ki yaad mein ham khud ko mitaate rahe..kaash ki wo bagaawat kar de iis bedard jamaane se..Iisee dua se haath khudaa ke saamane uthaate rahe..Hai hamein aaj bhi pyaar unse,magar ye kaise kahoon..Kyonki har modd par we hamko nafrat dikhaate rahe..Uunke yaadon ke diye mujhse bujhaaye na gaye..Yaad utnaa hi aaye wo,jitnaa ham uunhe bhulaate rahe

Bhool to jaata tumhe,magar bhulaaya nahin hai...Hamne waadon se apna,daaman chuddayaa nahin hai...Juda to ho gaye ham magar,milne ki tamanna baki hai..Isseliye to kisi aur se, mene Dil lagaaya nahin hai..

Zindagi ki raahon mein bahut se yaar milenge,Hum kya humse bhi achhe hazaar milenge,In achhon ki bheed mein humein naa bhula dena,Hum kahan aapko baar baar milenge.luti wafaon ka ab aitbar mat kernagae dinon ka kabhi intizar mat kernamohabaton ka junun tum ko tor dale gamohabaton k samander ko par mat kernayeh khuwab ankhon ko ik din jala k rakh dain gekabhi bhi sapnon ki dehleez par mat kernasukhon ka khoon na kerna tum apne hathon se kabhi bhi piyar ka khud ko shakar mat kernayeh ishq laakh chupao kabhi nahi chuptasafer k shok main paon figar mat kerna

Pyaar ka koi bhed na jaane jaane kaise hota hai.Humne tumko apna mana jaane kaise hota hai.Ehsaas tumhara hardam rehnajaane kaise hota hai.Bin bole sab kuch keh jaanajaane kaise hota hai.Rooh mein sama ke aankho mein aanajaine kaise hota hai.Is pyaar ka koi mol na jaanejaane kaise hota hai.

Aansu jo beh rahey hein inhein behney doYeh keh rahey hein dil ki baat, kehney doBuhat bawafa ho tum, yeh ham ko hai maloomTum apni wafa ki baat, apney tak hi rehney do!Mila to kia mila tumhein chahney kay baadBas dukh hi seh rahein hein, hamein sehney doTum ney to keh dala sab haal-e-dil apnaAb mujh ko apni daastaan bhi kehney doMar gaye auroon kay liye ham Sanaam~Tum apni khatir ham ko Zinda rehney do

jo rehtay hain sada dil mein unhain dhoonda nahi kertayjo ruch jain rag o pay mein unhain socha nahi kertay...baharon kay ghanay saye mein tulkhi bhi, chubhan bhi haigamon ki dhoop ka tum say mager shikva nahi kertay...nahi aatay kabhi bhi laot ker guzray huay maosambarastay badlon ki aas mein trsa nahi kertay...tajasus aur berhta hai machal jatay hain sun ker humachanak piyar ki baton ka rukh mora nahi kertay...teri nazer e inayat say huay jatay hain jo ghayalunhain qatil nigahoon say kabhi dekha nahi kertay...

Mujhey lagta hai aisa kabhi kabhiJaisy woh ajnabi larkiMujh se pyar karti hai Mujhey chahti haiAkser yunhi chup chup ker Dekhti hai,janey kiya sooch ker Nazrein chura jati haiKuch ghabra si jati haiApney aanchal ko hawaoon k zoor per lehrati haiMehsoos mujhey yeh hota hai kShayad mujhey woh bohat chahti haiMujhey aisa ehsas dilati haijesay Woh mujh sey kuch kehna chahti haimeray pochnay per kuch sharma si jati haiKuch ghabra si jati hai"Suniyey" keh kar bhaag jati haiAjnabi larki shayad pyaar karti hai mujh seyAesa mehsoos hota hai janey kiyon mujheyDil bhi kitna pagal hai Kiya kiya sochta rehta haiKuch masoom se jazbey hainKuch undekhey sapney hainMager woh nahin janti shayad...!!! Woh Meri Zindagi Hai......

Dil tutna saza hai mohabat ki. Dil jodna ada hai DOSTI ki.Mange jo kurbani wo mohabat hai. Jo bin mange ho jaye kurban wo hai wafa DOSTI ki.

Falak k tir ka kya nishanaTha; Idhar meraGhar udharUska ashiyanaTha, pahuchRahi thi kinarePe kashti E-umid;kyaUsi waqt is toofan ko aana tha

Dil ko dil se churaya aapne...door hote hue bhi apna banaya aapne...kabhi bhul nahi payenge aapko...kyunki yaad rakhna bi sikhaya aapne


Chand tare chup gaye,mitgaya Andhkar,Dhup sunhari dekh k jag gaya Sansar,Din aapka guzre Acha karte Dua hazar,bhej rahe hain apko SUBAH ka NAMASKAR..

Ek pal ke liye mujhe door jaane do, Tere pyar ke nashe me doob jaane do, Kaabil na raha ab main tere pyar ka, Woh ek sapna hi tha.... Ab toot jaane do.........,

Sadiya gujar gayi hathon ko milaye hue,muddate ho gayi nazron ko milaye hue,din-raat nikal gaye yadon me khoye hue, E yAAr ab kab saamne aaoge MUSKURATE hue...

Jo apko ehsas ho dosti ka mere,
kuch apne dil me hame jagah dena.
Mil jaye hame phir jannat bhi,
sanson me aise basa lena.

Taare aasman me chamakte hai ,baadal dur hai phir bhi baraste hai,hum bhi kitne naadan hai,aap dil me rehte hai or hum milne ko taraste hai.

Mere pyar ki woh hadd puchte hai.. Dil mei kitni jagah hai ye poochte hai..chahte hai hum unhi ko kyu itna.. iski bhi woh wajah poochte hai.

Zaroori toh nahi ke jeene ke liye koi sahara hozaroori toh nahi ke hum jis ke hai woh bhi hamara hokuch kashtiyaa dhoob jaaya karti haizaroori toh nahi ke har kashti ke liye kinara ho

Jee lete hain Koi humein agar kahe bura, dua dekar usse honton ko hum see lete hainDard ho chahe kaisa,zehar yeh chupke se hum pee lete hain

ek woh din tha jab tere nazare mere aankhon se milephir woh din aaya jab mere ankhon se dard ka aansoon baheaaj woh din hai jab mere toote dil se lahoo hi nikalekab woh din aayega jab mere seene se tere dil nikelenge

Ban sahara be-saharo ke liye
ban kinara be-kinaro ke liyejo jeeye apne liye toh kya jeeyejee sakke toh jee hazaro ke liye

Dard ko na dekhiye dard sedard ko bhi dard hota haidard ko bhi zaroorat hai pyar kiaahir pyar mein dard hitoh hamdard hota hai

Iss dil ko kisi ki aahat ki aas rehti hainigaah kokisi soorat ki pyaas rehti haitere bina zindagi mein kami toh nahiphir bhi tere bina zindagi udhaas rehti hai

Wo lamhe humein yaad na rahe toh kya hogatere siva kuch bhi aabaad na rahe toh kya hogaaisi hai yeh dil ki majbooriyaan kaise batauinn saanson mein ab tera naam na rahe toh kya hoga

Zakhm aisa diya ke koi dawa kaam na aaye,,aag aise lagaye ke paani se bhi na bhuj paaye,,Aaj bhi rote hain unhe yaad karke...JISSE HAMARI YAAD KABHI NA AAYE........ ........

Duao ki bheed mein ek dua hamarijis mein maangi hai humne har khushi tumharijab bhi aap muskuraaye dil sesamjho dua kabool hui hamari

Mere dil ki yahi thi khwahish tujhe apna bana sakkudard-e-dil ka haal sunna sakkutum ne kabhi dekha hi nahi meri taraf pyar semauka mila hi nahi ke mein dil ki baat tumhe bata sakku

Judaai ke yeh lamhe kitne ajeeb haitu door ho ke bhi mere kareeb haihum ek ho kar bhi anjaan hai ik dooje seyeh kaise hamare naseeb hai

Teri Qurbat mili ..magar tera Sahara na Milaa..Qareeb puhanch ker bhi Sahil ke Kinara na Mila..Dekhta Raha Gaur se mai hatheli apniiiMagar Mujhay apni Kismat ka Sittara na Mila...

yaado main kabhi aap bhi khoye hoge khuli aankho se kabhi aap bhi soye hogemaana hasna hai aadat ghum chupaane kipar haste haste kabhi aap bhi roye hoge-hassan ali

rooth gaya hai mujhko manane walaab koii nahi hai nakhre uthane walapar jaane kyu sochta hai ye khula darwazashayad rasta bhool gaya hai aane wala

ansoon ko aankhon ki dehleez par laya na karo...Apne dil ki haalat kisi ko bataaya na karo...dunya kisi ka zakham nahi samjte hai...Apne Zakham kisi ko dikhaaya na karo-hassan ali...

Kisi na kisi pe kisi ko aetbaar ho jata hai, ajnabi koi shaks yar ho jata hai, Khubiyon se nahin hoti mohabbat sadaa, khamiyon se bhi aksar pyar ho jata hai.


Kin lafzon mein itni kadvi kasili baat likhoon,Main sach likoon ke apne haalat likhoon,Kaise likhoon main chandni raatein,Jab garam ho ret to kaise main barsat likhoon.

Sabhi nagme saaz mein gaaye nahi jaate,sabhi lowg mehfil mein bulaaye nahi jaate,kuch paas reh kar bhi yaad nahi aate,kuch door reh kar bhi bhoolaye nahi jaate!

Who IK Dost jo pyara sa Lagta Hain,Bahut Pass Hai Dil k Phir bhi Juda Sa Lagta hain,Bahut Dino Se Aaya Nahi Koi Paigam Uska,Shayad Kisi Baat Pe Khafa sa Lagta hain-hassan ali

zindagi to ek khwab hai, woh zindagi kiya jismay khwab nahi hotay, hath ke lakiron ko kismat na samajhna, kismat unke bhi hote hai, zinkay hath nahi hotay.

Ro Chuka Hu Me Itna Mujhe Kya Rulaega Koi,Sun Chuka Hu Me Sab Kuch Mujhe Kya Bataega Koi,Azmana Chahte Ho To Azmake Dekh Lo Mujhe,Main Ek Bujhi Hui Shama Hu Mujhe Kya Bujhaega Koi !!!!!

Jab mujhe chorr ke ek din tu chali jaaye gikasam khuda ki mujhe teri yaad bohat aaye gijab kabhi lage gi towkar tere pathar dil kotab ja kar kahin tu apne kiye pe pachtaaye gi

AshkoN ko humne kayi baar roka, phir bhi na jane kyoN ankheN dhoka de gayi, Bharosa to tha hameiN apne aap par magar, unka zikr aate hi naa jane kyoN palkeN nam ho gayi.

jaane waale chale jaate hain dost......yaadein bhi khaak ho jaati hain.....bas kuchh palon ki baatein hain.....fir to parchhai bhi saath chhod jaati hai...


Jis shaam mere lab per tera naam na aaye...,Khuda kare aisi shaam na aaye...;Aai jaane wafa, ye kabhi mumkin hi nahin...,Afsaana likhnu aur tera naam na aaye..!!!!

Wishwas ban ker log jindgi me ate hai wokhwab banker ankho me sama jate hai wopahle to yakin dilate hai ki wo hamare hain fir jane kuo tanha bana jata hai wo.

Log apna banake chhod dete hain,Rishta gairo se jod lete hain,Hum to ek Phool bhi na tod sake,Log to dil bhi tod dete hain,

Ankho Me Mehfooz Rakhna Sitaro KoAab Dur Talak Sirf Raat HogiMusafir Tum Bhi Ho Musafir Hum Bhi HaiKisi Na Kisi Mod Par Fir Mulakat Hogi..

Silsila pyar ka na khatam hua,,juda hokar bhi ishq na kam hua,,Vaada jinse kiye humse,,Woh dard dekar,,Bewafa hua......... .

Bhari mehfil mein tanha mujhe rehna sikha diya,Tere pyar ne duniya ko jhoothha kehna sikha diya, Kisi dard ya khushi ka ehsaas nahin hai ab to,Sab kucch zindagi mein chup-chaap sehna sikha diya